Yochay Jerby’s Homepage

Research Interests

My research involves two main subjects: algebraic geometry of mirror symmetry and number theory.

In AG, my research is directed for a better understanding of mirror symmetry for toric manifolds with an emphasis on the application of mirror symmetry for the study of exceptional collections on toric manifolds and related questions.

In NT, my research is focused on the functional properties of the Riemann zeta function.


Number theory

1.      Y. Jerby.  An approximate functional equation for the Riemann zeta function with exponentially decaying error. Journal of Approximation Theory, 265, 2021.

Algebraic Geometry

2.      Y. Jerby. On Landau-Ginzburg systems, co-tropical geometry and D^b (X) of various toric Fano manifolds. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 61, 6, 2020.

3.      Y. Jerby. On exceptional collections of line bundles and mirror symmetry for toric Del-Pezzo surfaces. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 58, 2017.

4.      Y. Jerby. On Landau-Ginzburg systems, quivers and monodromy. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 98, 2015. (video illustrations of monodromies are available here)

5.      Y. Jerby. On Morse Bott degenerations with Crit(\pi)=P^k and Floer homology. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 142, 2014.

6.      Y. Jerby (joint with P. Biran). The symplectic topology of projective manifolds with small dual. Int. Math. Res. Not., IMRN, 19, 2013.


1.      Y. Jerby. The mirror Lagrangian cobordism for the Euler exact sequence (In this pre-print I answer a question due to Y. H. Suen. Identifying the mirror cobordism corresponding to the Euler sequence)

2.      Y. Jerby. An experimental study of the monotonicity property of the Riemann zeta function (This is an old pre-print on experimental investigations on zeta – the main observation of this text is that zeta could be studied dynamically starting from its “core”, as introduced here)

3.      Y. Jerby. A dynamic approach for the zeros of the Riemann zeta function - collision and repulsion (this pre-print introduces the dynamic approach for the study of zeta and its zeros, as well as the concept of collision and repulsion of zeros. You can see a lecture on these results given in the Rutgers Experimental Mathematics seminar here. Highlights of a ChatGPT discussion on the subject can be found here)

4.      Y. Jerby. On Fermat curves modulo a finite number (In this pre-print I have shown that a-priori a solution of Fermat’s equation  is bound to a robust system of restrictions that grows with . Highlights of a ChatGPT discussion on the subject can be found here)

Note that access to the ChatGPT videos is available via E-mail request


Holon Institute of Technology

Golomb 52, Holon, Israel

Building 8, Room 302c

Phone: (+792) 03-502-6598




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